Hi, I'm Christiaan, a Comedian and Director based in East Kent

About Christiaan

Christiaan Hendriksen is an award-winning comedian and director based in Broadstairs, Kent.  A graduate of the prestigious Ecole Philippe Gaulier in Paris, France and The Free Association in London, Christiaan has honed his craft under the tutelage of some of the most celebrated figures in contemporary clowning and comedy, including Spymonkey, Carlo Jacucci, Mick Barnfather, Deanna Fleysher and Viggo Venn.

Christiaan is the creator of the podcast "An Interview with Philippe Gaulier," and is currently directing a documentary titled "Waiting For Freedom," which delves into the life and work of Philippe Gaulier. He has directed other projects, more details of which can be found on this site.

Christiaan regularly performs both solo and with the group Big Zeus Energy. His unique comedic style has earned him critical acclaim, including a nomination for Best Debut Show at the Leicester Comedy Festival with Big Zeus Energy. Critics have praised his work as "bizarre and beautiful" and "delightfully charming." He leads workshops in clowning and creating comedic performances.

Recent Work

Werewolves of London


Waiting for Freedom

The Jazz Man

Big Zeus Energy

An Interview with Philippe Gaulier